We believe BIG health changes begin with one small drop at a time

If you’re just starting out in essential oils, we have a great introductory class that gives you everything you need to know about oils, how to use them and the benefits they can offer.

If you are already an experienced user and want to know even more about the benefits or discover new oils and associated products, we can help you too.

What is an Essential Oil?

The main regret people have with starting to use dōTERRA essential oils is that they didn’t use them sooner!

Fear and dismissal of what oils are and why so many people use them as a powerful way to maintain health comes primarily from a lack of understanding. Humans fear what they don’t understand. So let us help you to not make the same mistake by taking some of the “mystery” out of essential oils. Here’s a great video explaining the basics of oils and why we’ve fallen in love with them.

Looking for a great introduction to Essential Oils?

We run free classes for those looking to get a great overview to Essential Oils, their amazing health benefits and the cheapest way to get the best oils into your household.

Book an intro Class